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Semana de las Lenguas Extranjeras SJE 2018

Estimadas familias:

La próxima semana celebraremos en el Colegio la Semana de las Lenguas Extranjeras SJE. Nuestros alumnos trabajarán aspectos socioculturales de los países de habla inglesa y alemana, tales como capitales, geografía, historia, iconos artísticos y literarios, etc. Además, los menús del comedor para esos días ofrecerán platos típicos de gastronomía alemana y británica/norteamericana. También habrá juegos y concursos diseñados para dicha celebración.

Una de las actividades que ofrecerán en esta Semana es la Feria del Libro inglés y alemán. El jueves 22 tendrán a su disposición una gran variedad de libros y juegos de mesa en la recepción de entrada principal del Colegio, donde ustedes podrán visitar el stand y adquirir el material a precios económicos. La Feria del Libro permanecerá abierta desde las 9:00 hasta las 17:30 horas.

Los alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato asistirán el miércoles 21 a dos representaciones teatrales en inglés en el Teatro-Auditorio del Colegio, como parte de esta aproximación a los aspectos socioculturales.

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Semana de las Lenguas Extranjeras SJE (19 a 22 marzo 2018)
Ciclo Curso Actividades
Infantil Primer Ciclo «Traditional skipping rhymes and clapping games
Colouring city icons
Crafts: flags with finger paint
Song «Hello to all the Children of the world»
Decorate the corridor with pennants of different countries
3 años Traditional skipping rhymes and clapping games
Colouring city icons
Craft:European Union flag
Song «Hello to all the Children of the world»
Decorate the corridor with emblematic monuments of different countries
Clapping games
Recognize flags of different countries.
Book:»Monkey Puzzle» by Julia Donaldson
4 años Traditional skipping rhymes and clapping games
Colouring city iconsCraft: emblematic monuments worksheet to colour.
Song «Hello to all the Children of the world»
Decorate the corridor with emblematic monuments of different countries
Clapping games
Recognize flags of different countries
Learn greetings of other countries
Skipping games
Typical Meals Poster
Book: «The Gruffalo» by Julia Donaldson
5 años Traditional skipping rhymes and clapping games
Colouring city icons Craft: world map with different greetings
Song: «Hello to all the Children of the world»
Clapping games.
Match the monuments of the decoration with their corresponding flag.
Learn greetings of other countries.
Skipping games
Identify tipical meals of different countries
Colour the different flags of the countires
Book: «A squash and a squeeze» by Julia Donaldson
Primaria Nursery Rhymes Dr. Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham, students read extract, watch video, write and draw their own versions. Gingerbread Man. Europe/UK
Nursery Rhymes Dr. Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham, students read extract, watch video, write and draw their own versions. Brown Bear. Europe/UK
Tongue Twisters Roald Dahl: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students read extract, watch film clip, are asked to imagine their own delicious creation; draw and describe it. Australia and New Zealand: history, geography and city icons
Tongue Twisters. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt (Michael Rosen). Students read extract, watch film clip, are asked to imagine their own delicious creation; draw and describe it. Australia and New Zealand: history, geography and city icons
The Book of Kells, presentation describing the Book of Kells, page of book for children to design and colour. Traditional Folk Dancing. Spelling Game. America and the USA: history, geography and city icons
The Book of Kells, presentation describing the Book of Kells, page of book for children to design and colour. Traditional Folk Dancing. Spelling Game. Ireland: history, geography and city icons
Secundaria Canada: history, geography and city icons
Theatre: «Shakespeare in Love»
Literature: Charles Dickens
Dragons Den TV Show
South Africa: history, geography and city icons
Theatre: «Shakespeare in Love»
Literature: Charles Dickens
Dragons Den TV Show
Nigeria: history, geography and city icons
Theatre: «Shakespeare in Love»
Literature: Arthur Conan Doyle
Dragons Den TV Show
Jamaica: history, geography and city icons
Theatre: «Before Breakfast» (Eugene Gladstone O’Neill)
Literature: Eugene Gladstone O’Neill
Dragons Den TV Show
Bachillerato Jamaica: history, geography and city icons
Theatre: «Before Breakfast» (Eugene Gladstone O’Neill)
Literature: William Shakespeare
Jamaica: history, geography and city icons
Theatre: «Before Breakfast» (Eugene Gladstone O’Neill)
Literature: William Shakespeare
Infantil Tierlieder
Zahlen und Farben
Primaria Wir lernen die deutschen Bundesländer kennen
Kleines Buch über ein deutschsprachiges Land malen und schreiben
ESO y Bachillerato Landeskunde-Quiz
Das Schulsystem in DACHLi
(Das deutsche Schulsystem Video von WDR 1)
Landeskundliche Lektüre und anschließende Diskussion
